Monday, June 22, 2009

Down to the wire...

Ok, so I'm 37 1/2 weeks (technically full-term by the books) and all signs are pointing to that it could be ANY day now for Miss Hailey to make her debut into this fine world...but she is obviously not ready!! I'm scheduled to be induced two weeks from today (July 6th) so if she decides to stick around in my cozy womb until then I'll be going in at 6am that morning and hope she cooperates...thankfully my doctor said he will not put me through Hell if things are not progressing quickly!! I know two weeks in nothing to most people...but in my world it feels like an eternity!! Her head is all the way down (feels like she's going to fall out if I sneeze), I was about 90% effaced (cervix thinned out) and over one centimenter dilated as of last Tuesday and I will see the dr. again tomorrow to see if that has changed! I've been having contractions pretty regularly but not consistant enough to make a trip to Labor and in the mean time I'm waddling around doing a lot of complaining!! :)

Other than just being anxious for the big day...we are also finally ready at home (I think)!! She has so many cute outfits that it's going to be so hard to decide which ones to put her in first...although I'm sure we'll have plenty of opportunities for wardrobe changes!! :) Here are the latest pics of the nursery!

We had the boys this week and I think they are starting to get excited as well...of course we'll have to see once she's actually here how true that is!! :) I know they will be great though and they have done so well with all the changes taken place so quickly!!
I'm still working but trying to get things wrapped up at work "in case" she decides to come any day now...but I'll probably start taking it much slower after this week as I just don't have the energy anymore! Barry is frantically trying to finish up the dentist office project and I think he's banking on her waiting ONE MORE week at least so he can relax and have time to enjoy her!! Stay tunes for phone calls, e-mails, and pictures as Hailey could be here any time...if not for sure on the 6th!!!
Love to all,
Lindsay and Barry

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Ok so my "expected" due date is July 11, which is 51 days away, BUT as most of you know...that never really happens. As I mentioned in my previous post...she is measuring about 3 weeks ahead of schedule, but that could always change (I still think she may come a little early). I thought I'd make it fun and have everyone guess what date you think she will make her grand entrance into the world!

Soo....let's hear your guesses!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Less than 2 months...IN COUNTING!!

Ok so I'm officially at 31 1/2 weeks but yesterday doc said she is measuring at 34 weeks so she's a growin' girl...does that mean she could come early??? I can't say that I'd be too upset about that as long as she's healthy!! I really can't complain though, I've had a very easy pregnancy compared to others'...but I am very much looking forward to the day when she's on the other side of my body!! I also just can't wait to see her, hold her, and everything else!!
As most of you know I have the bionic back after going through major surgery almost 3 years ago...fusing 7 levels of my spine with metal rods. So...that is the main focus of concern for me right now. I'm having an xray in a few weeks to #1 see if I can have an epidural (please please please) and #2 we will determine my route for delivery.
We are all moved in to our new house and LOVING it!! My mom came over on Sunday to help paint the nursery and I got the bedding last now we can start stocking the nursery full of cute clothes and lots 'o diapers!! I can't wait to get it all put together!!
Now this is teamwork:
Even Deacon likes his new home (although he likes it much better now that we have couches...I think he might be spoiled)!! :

Still working on the name...pretty stuck on Hailey for the first name but need to decide on a middle name.
Well that's all I can think to update for now!!
Until next time....

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

April 15 Update

The problem with these blogs is trying to think of things to write in them!! I'll do my best to update!

I had another check up with Doc yesterday and it's official...I'm no longer the teeny pregnant girl...I had a much larger jump (exact numbers will be left out thank you) in weight this time...but overall was a good visit (just thankful my doctor doesn't own a cowbell)!! Got to drink the wonderful Glucola for my blood sugar test...which I passed with flying colors! I'm officially 27 1/2 weeks but baby measured at around 30 so she is a growing girl and still VERY active!!

Barry has officially relocated and hit the ground running with construction projects!! We should be moving into our house after the first of the month and now we are just trying to figure out how we are going to furnish it all (although I am thoroughly enjoying shopping for new furniture)! :)

That's all I have for now...hope everyone is well!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I was finally able to scan my sonogram pics from last week...they are kinda small though but I'll do my best to elaborate:

Here is the confirmation of "girl parts" or the "hamburger" as they called it (Barry does not like using that reference)! :)

This is her face looking right at the camera...these are scary looking!
These were the best profile pics we could get...she kept turning away from the camera (I think she was trying to sleep) but she is curled up on her stomach so her chin is resting on her chest.

Monday, March 23, 2009

It's a Girl!!!!

I had a sonogram last week at 23 weeks and it's official...Baby Ford is a GIRL!!! Although we pretty much assumed so, now we know for sure and lets bring on the PINK!!! Of course I had already been doing my research on nursery ideas and here is what we are going for:

It's the Isabelle Toile bedding collection from Pottery Barn Kids but we're just getting ideas! We did register for nursery furniture and many other baby items from Babies R Us this weekend so we're starting to get really excited!!!

Along with the gender confirmation, we also learned that Baby Girl Ford (BGF) is very healthy and all her "parts" are developing normally (she has long legs)!! She is almost a foot long (hard to believe that not long ago she was only centimeters long) and weighs 1lb she's still got some growing to do but she sure is active!!!

We are playing around with names and while we haven't settled on anything yet...I'll give you a little sneak peak at names we've been toying with:

First Names:

Hailey, Haley, or Haleigh


Macy (I like this one but Barry thinks it's too close to Mason)

Middle Names:


Rose (part of my mother's name and part of Barry's grandmother's name)


Again, these are just a start so we welcome any suggestions and feedback! :)

On another note: Looks like Barry is FINALLY making the move up to the Dallas area and I'm so excited to come home to my husband every day!!! He's going to be working with my dad heading up some big construction/remodeling projects they have lined up so he will be busy but doing something he really enjoys!!! We think we've found a house so hopefully we'll be moving in over the next few weeks! Things are coming together!!

That's all for now...must go watch Dancing with the Stars!!