Ok, so I'm 37 1/2 weeks (technically full-term by the books) and all signs are pointing to that it could be ANY day now for Miss Hailey to make her debut into this fine world...but she is obviously not ready!! I'm scheduled to be induced two weeks from today (July 6th) so if she decides to stick around in my cozy womb until then I'll be going in at 6am that morning and hope she cooperates...thankfully my doctor said he will not put me through Hell if things are not progressing quickly!! I know two weeks in nothing to most people...but in my world it feels like an eternity!! Her head is all the way down (feels like she's going to fall out if I sneeze), I was about 90% effaced (cervix thinned out) and over one centimenter dilated as of last Tuesday and I will see the dr. again tomorrow to see if that has changed! I've been having contractions pretty regularly but not consistant enough to make a trip to Labor and Delivery...so in the mean time I'm waddling around doing a lot of complaining!! :)
Other than just being anxious for the big day...we are also finally ready at home (I think)!! She has so many cute outfits that it's going to be so hard to decide which ones to put her in first...although I'm sure we'll have plenty of opportunities for wardrobe changes!! :) Here are the latest pics of the nursery!

We had the boys this week and I think they are starting to get excited as well...of course we'll have to see once she's actually here how true that is!! :) I know they will be great though and they have done so well with all the changes taken place so quickly!!
I'm still working but trying to get things wrapped up at work "in case" she decides to come any day now...but I'll probably start taking it much slower after this week as I just don't have the energy anymore! Barry is frantically trying to finish up the dentist office project and I think he's banking on her waiting ONE MORE week at least so he can relax and have time to enjoy her!! Stay tunes for phone calls, e-mails, and pictures as Hailey could be here any time...if not for sure on the 6th!!!
Love to all,
Lindsay and Barry
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