Friday, March 26, 2010

News News and more News!!

As most of you know, I am terrible with keeping up with this blogging I'd be suprised if anyone still keeps up with me??

I think I've shared the news with just about everyone in my "circle"...that calk/ford #2 is on the way!! Now many of you know that this is not something I welcomed so quickly and that I have been slightly "in denial" about having another little one around so soon. But, I have put my trust in God that this will be a blessing (there will, however, be no more blessings coming from this group...we will be taking care of that "medically")! As of yesterday, "Baby Dos" measured 12 weeks and 3 days...putting my due date around October 6 (my sister-in-laws birthday...and exactly 15 months to the day younger than Hailey)!! Yes, this also means that I get to "enjoy" the ENTIRE Texas summer being pregnant...can you FEEL the excitement?? I had a level 2 sonogram yesterday to measure growth and development...everything appears to be normal and healthy!! They also predict that "Baby Dos" will be another little girl (about 90% sure...they were right with Hailey so I'm pretty convinced...PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE BE RIGHT). This made me a little more excited and a little less in denial...I love the idea of having two little girls, especially when they will be so close in age (hopefully cheaper too...sharing clothes, etc)!! It will also make it much easier to prepare since EVERYTHING we have is PINK PINK PINK!! :) Obviously I'm getting ahead of myself since we still have a few weeks until we will know FOR SURE...but I'm pretty fond of the idea!!

Like I said, this hasn't been easy to grasp emotionally, and physically this pregnancy has been even tougher...which will HOPEFULLY be getting better now that I'm nearly out of the first tri-mester! I just thank and appreciate everyone who has stood beside me and supported me, which is MOST everyone!!

Enough of the news and onto the updates!!

Hailey is growing and learning new things everyday...I swear I'm going to wake up on morning and she's not going to be a baby anymore!! She's been crawling since right about 7 months and she's ALL over the place!! She says "Mamma", "Dadda", "Babba", "Nanna", and a whole bunch of jibber jabber but I LOVE it!! It's amazing how a whole bunch of nonsense words can put you in such a great mood!! She definitely has her moments (mostly at night-time...still struggling with her sleep habits but I won't get into that)...but she truly is a WONDERFUL and HAPPY baby with a great personality!! It's hard to imagine there was life before her!! I just pray that she won't lose any of that when "Baby Dos" comes. I could go on and on about her but you can check in on Facebook!

Well...guess that is all for now! Hope this update finds everyone happy and healthy!

Love to all,

the Fords