Here is the confirmation of "girl parts" or the "hamburger" as they called it (Barry does not like using that reference)! :)

This is her face looking right at the camera...these are scary looking!
On July 6, 2009, my world was changed...I became a mother to the most wonderful little girl. Seven months later, I was surprised to find that we were expecting again and on September 28, 2010, we welcomed our second daughter in to the world and life was good. After 12 short days of being the mother of two precious little girls, a fatal infection took our new baby's life. From our loss to new blessings...I've done my best to blog about our journey.
It's the Isabelle Toile bedding collection from Pottery Barn Kids but we're just getting ideas! We did register for nursery furniture and many other baby items from Babies R Us this weekend so we're starting to get really excited!!!
Along with the gender confirmation, we also learned that Baby Girl Ford (BGF) is very healthy and all her "parts" are developing normally (she has long legs)!! She is almost a foot long (hard to believe that not long ago she was only centimeters long) and weighs 1lb she's still got some growing to do but she sure is active!!!
We are playing around with names and while we haven't settled on anything yet...I'll give you a little sneak peak at names we've been toying with:
First Names:
Hailey, Haley, or Haleigh
Macy (I like this one but Barry thinks it's too close to Mason)
Middle Names:
Rose (part of my mother's name and part of Barry's grandmother's name)
Again, these are just a start so we welcome any suggestions and feedback! :)